
asphalt plant system

asphalt plant(www.asphalt-plant.cn) system is distributed computer control system, which composed by motor operation and status monitoring unit, and controls the amount of overshoot ingredients automatic compensation unit, and the finished material accumulating unit and control unit CARS.Each unit composed by signal acquisition, computing, the implementation of the output and communications and other integral part. control system Interface software using 'MICROSOFT WINDOWS2000' work platform, monitoring screen including craft process display (each motor running status, fault status alarm indication, ingredients parameter display, real-time temperature curve and the trolleys running, etc.), parameter setting screen (the ratio of materials, mixing time parameters and the set of the total mixing), the ratio of access screen, tables (each batch), the cumulative table (daily) query and print screen. All equipment can be achieved in the central control room and remote centralized control, the picture is simple, intuitive, accurate, stable, simple and convenient.

asphalt plant characteristics as follow: 
1.operating system interface Clearly, animation workflow, measurement scales weighing, finished material temperature, the temperature of the heat aggregates, asphalt temperature and the bag inlet temperature and other parameters in real time.
2.Modify the operating parameters in real time online. In the normal course of their work, can be modified the proportion of ingredients, dry mixing, wet mixing and spraying asphalt, finished doors open time, lorry unloading time, bag pulse purge time and other parameters according to the actual needs. 
3.automatic control of aggregate, asphalt batching powder and Automatic compensation of ingredients errors. To ensure the accuracy and stability of gradation.
4.Weight feed sequence can be adjust. The operator can be adjusted weighing hot aggregate order according to actual working conditions. 
5.Recipe storage function. PC can be stored in thousands of matching program ready for use. 
6.Real-time hot aggregate temperature curve. The operator can intuitively grasp the development trends of temperature hot material, easy to control the heat in advance aggregate temperature.
7.Real-time recording data and sound statistics, query and print functions in production. 
8.Sound alarm function. Include motor failure, position detecting faults of stroke switches, silo position high alarm and working process abnormal fault alarm. On the IPC and intuitive touch screen can be demonstrated, and with sound and light alarm. 
9.Self-diagnostic processing. Some fault the system can self-diagnose and take appropriate measures. For example: When the hot aggregate material or put jam called silo door open, the system will automatically open the door buffer door several times, without having to operator manual intervention.
10.Measurement scale calibration can be done directly through the touch screen, simple calibration method, calibration coefficients can be directly EPROM memory. 
11.storage silo fitted on finished material metering device, the operator can keep track of the total amount of the finished material storage silo. 
12.stone and asphalt weighing scales weighing system uses the size of door control. That can guarantee quick fast weighing, but also can ensure the accuracy of the weighing. Can be set via the computer and touch screen doors weighing the amount in advance.
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Finished materials hoist storage system of asphalt batching plant

Finished materials hoist storage system fo asphalt batching plant
Lifting equipment, hoist Model: JKF6; lifting capacity: 6t; lifting speed: 1.9m / s; Motor: YZR-75KW; lifting bucket volume: 5.5 t;
The finished material discharged into the lifting bucket volume, the bucket along the track leading up to the top of the finished material warehouse,discharte the material to storage silo through the starting door. In order to prevent the finished material spilling when operating the lifting bucket volum remains constant angle with the horizontal plane. Douche can be stopped anywhere under the control room surveillance (frequency control), to prepare an urgent need, smooth and reliable.
Finished product storage silos, finished products warehouse volume: 70t; scrap warehouse volume: 8t.
Frame: Frame parts are coupled and support ministries, but also the human ladder and walkway connecting the body, it also connections dust pipe and tubing, threading pipe and other components. In the important parts of drying cylinder, vibrating screen, hot hopper, mix tanks, hot material hoist, bunker, storage silos,dust collector, etc. are equipped with a platform, and a human ladder, is repair, inspection essential channel and also is personal safety guarantee.
Electrical Control System
LB4000 batch type asphalt mixing plant control system ( hereinafter referred to as the control system ) are LB4000 asphalt mixture stirring device control system ( hereinafter referred to as mixing equipment ) supporting dedicated computer control system. Mixing equipment for the production of process control, the main aspects of the work of the security monitoring and production management .
system architecture adopts modular hardware structure, the control unit consists of a uniform standard modules, the analog input deal with and digital input and output processing use Mitsubishi programmable controller to achieve, to ensure that the data input and output processing accurate, reliable, and also using EPROM memory technology, procedures, and data storage more reliable.
Programmable hardware configuration as follows : FX2N-128MR FX2N-8AD (2) FX2N-16EYR FX2N-4AD (2) FX2N-16EX (2)


Prep work for 'Fortify' asphalt plant to begin Monday

Prep work for 'Fortify' asphalt plant to begin Monday
RALEIGH, N.C. — Lane closures associated with the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Fortify project will continue next week on Interstate 440 East between the Sunnybrook Road underpass and the I-40/440/U.S. Highway 64 split. 

Crews will close the lanes between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Monday through Wednesday, with the start time of work remaining flexible based on traffic volume. Work could be delayed until as late as 11 p.m. on each night if traffic is heavy. 
The closures will allow crews to begin setting up barrier walls along both shoulders for the construction of an asphalt plant that will be used during the project.
The plant, which will be located in the median, is designed to increase efficiency and safety during the project and keep crews from needing to truck in materials from plants outside the work zone. The asphalt plant should be completed sometime in the next four to six weeks, officials said.
Daytime closures will begin in early December, and the 2.5-mile section of I-440 that is part of the rebuild will be complete by late 2014.
Crews will then move to I-40, with daytime lane closures beginning late in 2014. The entire project should be complete by the fall of 2016, DOT officials said.
Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd. is one leading supplier in road construction machinery industry in China and asphalt plants for sale 20 years, who is belong to LiaoYuan Group, LiaoYuan Group(www.lyroad.cn) was established in September 1992, Headquarters is located at Henan Province, China.

Delmar asphalt batching plants penalized for air quality violations

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has issued a Notice of Administrative Penalty Assessment and Secretary's Order to The H&K Group and River Asphalt LLC in Delmar for violations of its air permit and federal and state air quality regulations.

The order calls for a cash penalty of $13,680 and an additional $2,052 as cost recovery reimbursement to DNREC for expenses associated with the department’s investigation. The H&K Group owns and operates several facilities located in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey that provide construction materials, landscaping materials, recycling services as well as contracting and demolition services. One of The H&K Group’s companies is River Asphalt LLC, which operates a 300-ton per hour hot mix asphalt batching plants located at 36393 Sussex Highway in Delmar.
The Secretary’s Order addresses air quality violations that occurred at the Delmar facility during stack testing conducted in November 2011. The stack test results showed particulate matter emissions exceeded federal and state air regulations as well as the facility’s permit. River Asphalt LLC has since performed maintenance activities and conducted stack tests again in March 2012 and was able to demonstrate compliance. Each violation is cited in the penalty order, which can be viewed at www.dnrec.delaware.gov/info/pages/secorders_enforcement.aspx.
The H&K Group and River Asphalt LLC has 30 days to request a public hearing. Read more
This article from google news.


Delayed action on an asphalt plant permit over questions of covering the cost for a future traffic signal

Warren County leaders delayed action on an asphalt plant permit over questions of covering the cost for a future traffic signal.
Stuart M. Perry Inc. requested a conditional-use permit to operate a batch-mix asphalt plant. The company plans to upgrade its existing asphalt plant at 1111 Riverton Road.
The Board of Supervisors held a public hearing on the request. The board heard from John McKinney, of Queen's Highway, who voiced concerns over environmental monitoring of the plant.
The board then voted to table the request until Dec. 1.
Evan Wyatt, of Greenway Engineering, presented information to the board on the proposed upgrades. Wyatt explained that the upgrades would help the environment. The new equipment complies with Department of Environmental Quality regulations.
Asked whether Perry would mind if the board delayed action on the permit, Wyatt said the company preferred that supervisors act now because asphalt plants typically shut down at this time of year. Perry planned to use the downtime to install the new equipment before production resumes in the spring.
Wyatt said the company would agree to a condition that would calculate the pro-rated cost by using traffic counts.
Carter said the board should move forward and hold the hearing out of fairness to the applicant. At the same time, Carter recommended that parties should consult with the Virginia Department of Transportation to determine a fair formula to calculate Perry's share of the cost of a future traffic signal.
"I also don't want to have all the rest of the county citizens to have to pay for an impact that they weren't entirely responsible for, even though you all are going to be good partners, we're glad to have you," Carter said.
Carter suggested that the board could hold the hearing and then table the matter until its next meeting Dec. 3. Wyatt said he doubted that VDOT could come up with the necessary information in two weeks. Deputy County Administrator Robert Childress, formerly with VDOT, echoed Wyatt. Childress suggested that county staff would need to work with the applicant on a fair amount or formula.
Planning Director Taryn Logan said the company bought the plant in 2009. The plant has operated at the quarry since the 1960s. By upgrading the equipment, Perry expects to increase plant efficiency and improve environmental controls, Logan said. Perry has two employees on site and the company does not plan to hire more workers. Perry proposes to operate the plant Monday through Saturday for 12 hours each day.

The Board of Supervisors previously approved an amendment to the county zoning ordinance to include batch-mix asphalt plants as allowable in the industrial district with a conditional-use permit.
But VDOT, in comments submitted to the county, voiced concerns with the impact the heavy trucks might have on the intersection at Guard Hill Road and U.S. 340-522. Trucks carrying asphalt and limestone would weigh more on the road than passenger vehicles.
Planning Commission members said the number of vehicles going in and out of the plant would not prompt the need for the company to share in the cost to install a traffic signal at the site.
Vice Chairwoman Linda Glavis noted that traffic at the intersection has been an issue for years.
The Planning Commission endorsed the permit request with several conditions that cover lighting, signs directing emergency responders to the site and that the portable toilet has a hand-washing feature.
Board Chairman Archie Fox asked about plans to move a traffic signal from Crooked Run Road and the area of the McDonald's restaurant and the Hampton Inn to the nearby commuter parking lot.
County Administrator Douglas Stanley said staff is working with VDOT to shift cost-sharing funds to the commuter lot. The project will lose the cost-sharing contributions from McDonald's and the Hampton Inn, Stanley said.
"The question is going to become, ultimately, when does the Guard Hill Road intersection warrant signalization," Stanley said.
Wyatt told the board that VDOT's traffic data for U.S. 340-522 in 2012 showed an average of 20,000 vehicle trips per day. Guard Hill Road as a side street had about 1,100-1,200 vehicle trips per day. Perry's operation would add about 75 vehicle trips per day to the road.
Supervisor Tony Carter pointed out that VDOT's concerns focused more on the weight of the trucks that would travel through the intersection. Carter recalled the issue of heavy trucks that use Reliance Road.
Supervisor Daniel Murray Jr. said the upgrade would clean up the site. Murray said he didn't see the need for another traffic signal if VDOT moves the light to the commuter light. Fox said he could understand the need for a light at the lot to handle truck traffic for the quarry.
Logan said that VDOT and the county could look at determining a pro-rated share of the cost for the signal but the formula would use traffic data and does not take into consideration the type of vehicle. 
Childress said the agency could come back and say the traffic warrants the installation of a traffic signal. VDOT would need to calculate how many passenger vehicles equal a truck. An easier method, Childress said, could involve setting a flat percentage of the cost as the company's share. But putting a price now on a signal that would not be built for years may not be an accurate cost.
This article from google news.


Stirrer of asphalt batching plant

Stirrer of asphalt batching plant
Mixing quality: a batch 4000Kg; 
mixing cycle: 45s(put aggregate 4s, dry mix 3s, wet mix 30s (including spray asphalt 10s), put the finished material (8s)); 
Power: 45KW 2 sets;
finished doors Cylinder: RA8125/250 / D / F.
Twin-shaft batch mixer with dual motors, a pair of gears were drived and forced synchronization, smooth transmission, low noise. Stirring blade rotation to make the material into a spiral trajectory in the two-axis cycles, feeding and turning in the circumferential direction and move forward to form a boiling layer, while the spray mist mixed with asphalt mix. Asphalt content is very stable, prototype testing asphalt content deviation of only 0.20%. Mixing tank's mixing leaves and mixing wings and 11 kinds of 84 liner, made ??of high chromium cast iron, increasing wear and prolong life. Arc discharge is made at the door, to overcome the phenomenon of dead spices. Marinated material after discharge cylinder pulling the door, so to enhance the finished material falling into the bucket (or truck) in. arc feed door, to overcome the phenomenon of dead spices. after marinated material,cylinder pulling the door, so to enhance the finished material falling into the bucket (or truck) in.
Powder supply system of asphalt batching plants
Powder supply system composed by the hoisting machine, powder silos, screw conveyors and other components. In the bunker bottom conical portion has a broken arch device, so that a smooth powder conveying.

Bunker capacity: 84m3;
For the powder method: Hoist (production capacity: 45t / h); Power: 3.0KW;
Screw conveyor conveying capacity: max 45t / h;
Specification: φ377; Power: 5.5KW.
Bitumen supply system
Asphalt supply capacity: 80t / h; Power: Asphalt circulating pump QLB80t; motor 22KW;
Asphalt spray pump QLB80t; motor 22KW.
Heating system
Heat source: oil furnace; Oil Furnace Model: LHY-120;
External circulation pump Model :125 -80-160; flow: 160m3 / h; Power: 22KW.
Circulating pump Model: 50-32-200; Flow: 12.5m3 / h; Power: 5.5KW.
For heat: 1.05 × 106Kcal / h.
Oil furnace heating section includes asphalt storage tanks, asphalt circulation pumps, piping, asphalt spray pumps, mixing tanks, product storage silos, asphalt pipeline.
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The Host Part Of Asphalt Plants 

Shaker of asphalt plants
Type: The up vibration type, parallel shaft, self-synchronization, dual-motor; 
power: 11KW×2; 
Centrifugal force: max180000N(adjustable); 
Exciting Vibration mode: axis inertial shakers( from synchronization ); 
screening capacity: 350t/h ;
vibration frequency: 850 times/min;
vibratory screening machine is mainly composed by chassis, both sides of the plate, top cover, vibrators, screen, screen holder and front and rear doors and other components. Seven square hole sieve through flip two adjustment handle, make two blocking plate rotation, you can obtain the required Coarse, medium-grained or fine-grained aggregates of heat in thermal silo, without the need replacing the screen, easy to use and reliable. When the screen is damaged or needs to be replaced for other reasons, simply open the front door, loosen the nut, loosen sieve bevel pressed bodies, sieve from the hook pulling off, you can pull out from the front door. Program in turn, can be fitted with the screen, very convenient. Vibrator installed above the fuselage, the vibration pattern for my company's patents, it overcomes the influence of high temperature on the excitation mechanism, easy maintenance, reducing the failure rate.In order to reduce vibration screening machines for the entire mixing floor vibration effects, adopting two compression springs and rubber spring vibration isolation, its isolation element stiffness coefficient is small, isolation works well.Vibrating motor excitation force is adjustable, can be adapted to different productivity requirements. Shaker scrap mouth is super specification material exports, should be based on site conditions and remove waste timely.

Thermal silo of asphalt plant
Type: five silo, the effective volume of 96m3; Storage material cylinder : 5 * RA8125/300D, 5 * RA8100/200D, on the 1st silo in the effective volume 21.1m3, into large particle size hot aggregate; the 2nd silo in the effective volume 11.5m3; into the middle particle size hot aggregate; in the 3rd silo in the effective volume 12.5m3 into the small particle size hot aggregate; the 4th silo in the effective volume 12.5m3 into ultra-small size of hot aggregate; the 5th silo in the effective volume 38.4m3 loaded fine hot aggregate; the silo on the next shaker, even under the measurement scale, the upper part of each silo has overflow port, control over surplus material. In each compartment also has a loading and unloading position controller, the control system commands movement of the cylinder , so that the raw door open and close, to achieve the measurement scale to discharge or stop the operation.
metering system of asphalt plant
Hot aggregate measurement: 0 ~ 4000kg; 
stone weighing cylinders: RA8125/250/D/SW/F; 
powder measure: 0 ~ 500kg; 
powder weighing cylinders: RA8100/190/D/; 
bitumen metering: 0 ~ 700kg;
bituminous scales cylinder: RA8050/50/D RA8063/200/H; 
Three kinds of materials have their own measurement scale, its alleged quality through the tension sensor in the control room monitors and automatically notify cylinder or electric driven butterfly feeding door open and close.Which differ hot aggregates in size by accumulating to weighing and noted rushing scales and flying material impact on the control measures taken fall compensation.The insulation bitumen valve of asphalt metering tank load air sealing gland, pressing section sealing filler 20*20, after used for a period of time should be adjusted to the tightness or replace the packing gland, so that it is neither leakage without affecting the valve the rotation is appropriate. 
You can click here to read the installation of asphalt plant.

Asphalt Mixing plants - Drying drum

Asphalt mixing plants drying drum
Type: Fixed; burners:SJ520 (fuel quantity max2500kg / h); Power: 22KW × 4; Maximum capacity: 350t/h; cylinder diameter: 3000mm; tube length: 12000mm; angle: 5°; speed: 6.8r/min; girder mainly by drying drum , cylinder , rear smoke box , before the smoke box , gear drive mechanism , spouts and other components. Drying drum Mainly composed by the girder, cylinder, rear smoke box, front smoke box, gear drive mechanism, spouts and other components. Its speed, aspect ratio and inclination are selected carefully designed, it not only to complete the requirements of productivity, but also reduce fuel consumption. The use of a lower line speed, can make the tube aggregates formed curtain during dropping, improve the drying efficiency.Equipped with a burner for the U.S. HUACK: SJ5200, characteristic: low oil, high-pressure air combustion forms, combustion, energy saving; flame shape real-time adjustable; apply a wide range of fuels: heavy oil, light oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (heavy oil and the residue needs to be heated, and filtered. requires a viscosity of not more than 90SSU); no special chamber; burners are ideal devices. Friction reducer and driven by rollers.roller's radial activities controled by tug, while the axial rely on two gear wheels to the limit. The distance of burner and front of the smoke box can be adjust, for easy maintenance. Frame moving on the track to achieve. The dust by burner drying generated by front and rear smoke box on the pipe into the dust collector purification and emissions. Drum in the discharge opening has a thermocouple socket , ready temperature .

asphalt mixing plant hot material hoist
the vertical chain and wheel frictional transmission type; power : 30KW; maximum capacity : 350t/h: 25m; Hot material Lifting wellbore is box-shaped structure, mounted vertically, with dust seal, chain tensioners, the driver backstop devices. Hoist tail splice-loading, unloading their gravity, and wear plates. Long spit spout can slide aggregate spread, provide conditions to reduce screening time.Hot material hoist near to the vibratory screening machine, lower lifting height. Chain plate made ??by 40Cr steel, and in enhancing the bucket connections increased stiffener to prevent deformation and enhance the bucket collide with the wellbore, to avoid too much resistance to pull off the chain. In order to prevent de-chain, chain hoist tensioning tail configuration, axle parallel set genlock mobile devices. 
Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd. is one leading supplier in road construction machinery industry in China, who is belong to LiaoYuan Grou. LiaoYuan Group asphalt plant for sale in September 1992.