
DEC found a host of stormwater after asphalt plant at Stewart International Airport

The state Department of Environmental Conservation found a host of stormwater, housekeeping and record keeping violations last month at the temporary asphalt mixing plant(www.asphalt-plant.cn/mobile-asphalt-mixing-plant.html) at Stewart International Airport.
Jointa Lime, the upstate New York company that runs the plant, had to immediately respond to some of the violations, removing asphalt sediment from a tributary of Beaverdam Lake and Moodna Creek, according to a copy of the letter the DEC sent the company.
The company addressed other problems at the site by conducting employee training and moving stockpiled materials off site, according to a letter it sent the DEC.
Jointa Lime officials did not return calls seeking comment.
Before the discovery of the violations, the asphalt mixing plant had already drawn the ire of the Stewart Park and Reserve Coalition, an environmental group concerned about pollution, traffic and noise from the plant. SPARC, led by President Sandra Kissam, claimed in a lawsuit against the Town of New Windsor and Jointa Lime that the town allowed the temporary plant to be built without proper site plan and environmental review.
The plant, located on Town of New Windsor property, began running in July, and will likely continue for another year-and-a-half. The asphalt made at the plant is used to repave the runways at Stewart.
The Town of New Windsor made a motion to dismiss the SPARC lawsuit last month, said Steve Gaba, an attorney working on the matter.
"It's without merit," he said.
Gaba said that municipalities can judge whether or not projects to be built on their land need site plan review. He said in this case, New Windsor made the appropriate decision. The town did perform an environmental review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
New Windsor Town Attorney Michael Blythe said he knew of the violations at the plant, and said that the town told Jointa Lime it anticipated the company would immediately correct the issues.
SPARC made the initial complaint about a violation at the asphalt plant, Kissam said. She and Jay Westerveld, an Orange County environmental activist, observed the plant from the road, and noticed that there was some material breaching a silt fence.
"He said, 'That's definitely a violation, Sandra,'" Kissam said.
The pair snapped a picture and sent it to the DEC, which later followed up with an unannounced site visit.
Kissam said the violations prove that the plant needed a more thorough review than what it originally got from New Windsor.
"They were irresponsible to pass the asphalt-plant on without the necessary review," she said.
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